The 2018 National Specialty held at the Montgomery Kennel Club All-Terrier Show was co-dedicated to Martha Nazak and Donald Wilde. Below are the texts of the dedications made just prior to Best of Breed on Sunday, October 7, 2018.

Martha Nazak was outgoing and dynamic and a loyal wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She was truly a creative artist in many disciplines, which contributed to her expertise in grooming and setting Kerry ears. She was strong competitor, but family and friends always took priority.
She and her husband Bob bred and showed Kerry Blue Terriers for many years under the Whimsy prefix. They owned 2 National Specialty Best of Breed winners. Martha actively served on the United Kerry Blue Terrier Board of Governors and Chaired the Haymarket Futurity for several years. When help was needed she was the “helping” hand.
Martha grew up in Massachusetts and after marriage, traveled the world compliments of Bob’s Navy career. Through her many adventures, she raised three great kids and received tremendous joy in being a grandmother. Martha always had a passion for dogs and loved all aspects of being involved the Kerry Blue community. She was a friend and mentor to all.
We will miss Martha and co-dedicate the 2018 United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club National Specialty to her memory.

Donald Wilde purchased his first Kerry Blue Terrier, Connell’s Wild Irish Rose in 1987. In 1988 he and Rosey’s breeder headed off to the Montgomery Kennel Club show. The plan was to have the breeder show Rosey. Because of a conflict, Don showed her. He put on his Irish cap and that became his trademark in the ring.
Don and wife Jean bred and showed Kerry Blue Terriers under the Cordial prefix. A name which truly described Don to those who knew him.
Don was active in the United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club serving on the Board of Governors and ultimately as President. He served as the first Chair of USKBTC Charitable Funds. Don was the driving force for the formation of the Lower Michigan Kerry Blue Terrier Club.
We will miss Don and co-dedicate the 2018 United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club National Specialty to his memory.