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  • 03/14/2025 12:05 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    Click HERE for the premium list for KerryFest.  Click HERE to download the details.  KerryFest25 is a great opportunity make new Kerry friends, enjoy great competition against great dogs, and participate in the Kerry's on Parade.

    Registrations are open now...just go to the event section of the website.

  • 02/22/2025 1:28 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

  • 09/27/2024 3:53 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    Below is the current calendar for 2025 Specialty weekends.  These are subject to change but accurate as of September 27, 2024. 

  • 08/22/2024 1:48 PM | Web Team (Administrator)


    Reservations for the Annual Meeting and Dinner are now open.  Please sign up today.  


    This is the last opportunity to receive a ROM retro pin for Kerry Blues recognized in the past.  Applications close on September 15  Register your Kerry Blue on the website.

  • 06/27/2024 1:37 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    The Blue Prints Archive has been updated with all issues through Winter 22-23 now available.  These are stored on a cloud server so you will see a "blip" after you click the link and then the issue will appear.

  • 06/25/2024 2:57 PM | Web Team (Administrator)


    Applications Due September 15, 2024

    For many years the USKBTC has recognized sire and dams who have significantly contributed to the breed through their offspring.  The current criterion from our website is below:

    USKBTC Register of Merit Sire or Dam

    The title Register of Merit (ROM) shall be awarded annually to the sire that has produced five AKC Champions or four AKC Champions and a fifth AKC titled get or to a dam that has produced three AKC Champions or two AKC Champions and a third AKC titled get.

    For those sires and dams who have made an outstanding contribution to the breed will receive special recognition (including a lapel pin*).  The requirements for recognition are:

          Bronze ROM Sire of 5 AKC Champions or Dam 3 AKC Champions

    Silver ROM Sire of 25 AKC titled get or the Dam of 10 AKC titled get

    Gold ROM Sire of 40 AKC titled get or the Dam of 15 AKC titled get

    The ROM recognition is bestowed at the USKBTC Annual Dinner during our National Specialty weekend at Montgomery County Kennel Club.  Only current USKBTC members in good standing are eligible for this recognition.

    *For clarity there are three unique pins for Bronze, Silver, and Gold


    The Board of Governors accepted a proposal from David Poynter to create a Celtic knot pin to be awarded in addition to the recognition certificate currently awarded.  This pin, in addition to the recognition certificate, will more publicly recognize the accomplishments of our breeders and will be proudly displayed on their lapel.


    The USKBTC Board of Governors is providing the opportunity for member/owners of previous Register of Merit Kerry Blues to apply to receive one pin in recognition of their accomplishment.  The pin will be for the highest level one of the owners Kerry Blue achieved.  Past recipients will be given one pin regardless of the number of ROM Kerry Blues the member has bred/owned.  There may be an opportunity in the future to purchase additional pins for member ROM Kerry Blues 

    Beginning with the awards presented at Montgomery County 2024 each new ROM Kerry recognition will include a pin for the level achieved.

    The application to apply for the retro ROM pin is at United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc. - RETRO REGISTER OF MERIT PIN APPLICATION (   The information provided will be verified against the USKBTC Pedigree Database.  If there is a problem with verification a club representative will contact the applicant.  You MUST be a member in good standing to apply for the pin.  You MUST log into the website to complete the application.  The following is the process to provide an opportunity for past recipients to receive a pin appropriate to the level of achievement for sire or dam.

    1)    The owner completes the form in the Event Section of the website providing all the information requested.  Click United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc. - RETRO REGISTER OF MERIT PIN APPLICATION (

    2)    Past awardees must complete the application no later than September 15, 2024 for recognition during the Challenge of Champions at KerryFest. 

    3)    Pins will be presented at the USKBTC Annual Dinner during our National Specialty weekend to those present, at the Montgomery County dinner, and then the remaining pins will be mailed.

    4)    Once the window closes on September 15, 2024, no more retroactive pins will be awarded.

  • 05/19/2024 6:01 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    Now it the time to nominate litters for the 2024 Futurity.  Even if you don't plan to show your youngsters this year they must be nominated to be eligible for the Maturity in 2025.  You can nominate you litter on the website under the event tab.

  • 02/23/2024 3:22 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

  • 10/28/2023 9:38 AM | Web Team (Administrator)

    For the past 2 years the USKBTC Charitable Funds has conducted a Health Survey consisting of owner/breeder input to a health questionnaire whose questions were reviewed by Dr. Scott Kellogg and Dr. Natalia Samaj Kunze. 

    The survey results reflect a breed that, overall, is very healthy.  Cancer is the biggest challenge as it is with most breeds.  The Kerry Blue continues to not suffer from many of the afflictions of the most popular breeds due, in large part, to our breeders who strive to produce healthy, happy puppies.  Click HERE to review the survey.

  • 10/16/2023 2:49 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    The Centennial Chronicle documented the 100 year anniversary of recognition fo the Kerry Blue Terrier by the American Kennel Club.  It features the history of the breed and over 60 pages of Kerry Blues.  Click HERE to download the Centennial Chronicle.

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