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  • 05/09/2023 2:31 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    The celebration of the 100 years of recognition of the Kerry Blue Terriers is over but its memory will last forever! 

    This event would not have been possible without the active work of the Board of Governors, past Governors Melanie Fledges and Nick Fletcher.  David Poynter and Lindsay Kirk also made this event a success. 

    The weather was perfect and the dogs beautiful!

    Click HERE for the results.

  • 12/04/2021 6:53 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    Judge Anne Katona has provided a critique from her judging of the 2021 National Specialty.  Please click below  to download the critique.


  • 01/04/2020 4:38 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    USKBTC Charitable Funds

    2020 Kerry Blue Terrier Health Survey

    This survey has been developed by the United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club Charitable Funds Board in collaboration with the USKBTC Health and Genetics Committee. Its purpose is to help guide investment by the Charitable Funds to improve the health and well being of Kerry Blue Terriers. The survey will help determine the type and frequency of current health problems being encountered in the Kerry Blue Terrier population.

    Please complete the survey for each individual Kerry Blue Terrier that you have owned since 2000. Personal information and pedigree information is NOT part of this survey and is not required to complete this survey. Information submitted is not identifiable by the United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc. Specific Kerry Blue Terrier names are not requested. All Kerry Blue owners are encouraged to complete the survey whether a member of the USKBTC or not.

    Follow this link to complete the survey:

    Special thanks to Reita Nicholson, Dr. Natalia Kunze, and Dr. Scott Kellogg for their help in constructing this survey

    If you have any questions please email

    On behalf of the Charitable Funds Board

    Carl C. Ashby - Chair

  • 12/17/2019 10:30 AM | Web Team (Administrator)

    Richard and Eileen Santo (Paxon Kerry Blue Terriers) were recognized at the AKC Royal Canin National Championship as the Terrier Group Breeders of the Year.  A story will follow but for now the USKTBC congratulates Richard and Eileen for this honor and their contribution to the breed over many years.

  • 06/07/2019 12:30 PM | Web Team (Administrator)


    The United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club has migrated to a new website and membership management system.  This new system allows us to serve the membership better and provide many new features such as event entry and member photo albums of your Kerry Blues which can be shared with your friends.  Just as important it allows you to maintain your information assuring the very latest contact information is up to date.  That way you will not miss a single issue of Blue Prints as the mailing list comes from this system.

    The first step is for you to login to the website and review your profile, set you privacy settings, and change your password.  Attached to this email are the step by step instructions on how to log-in and review your profile.  Simple click  LOGIN AND PROFILE INSTRUCTIONS-USKBTC.COM.pdf

    To make sure we reach you with this important information we will be posting this email on the website, send it through the new system, and post on Facebook.  This is a critical first step and we want to make assure you get the information.

    Please make sure that this email address:  is cleared through any spam/junk filters…it’s a good idea to add it to your address book should you have any questions.

    We are all learning and we expect a bump or two in the road.  Please be patient as we learn together.

  • 02/25/2019 5:05 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    The Judging Procedure and 2019 Judging Sheet are now available for download.  Simply click on the one you wish to review.  There is a change in the scoring this year with hindquarters/tail set being valued at 15 points and movement valued at 15 points.  Coat and color are now combined.

  • 10/21/2018 7:13 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    Each year we are fortunate to have one of our talented members to create a special print for the Haymarket Futurity.  This year Youlia created our print.  It is now available in our store under Futurity Prints and Artwork.

  • 10/16/2018 10:53 AM | Web Team (Administrator)

    On October 5th at the annual meeting/dinner over the Montgomery weekend, I had the pleasure to announce that the newly designed United States Kerry Blue Terrier website went live on October 1st.  This is one of the many accomplishments during Melanie’s time as President of our club.

    I would like to thank the Communications team – Melanie Feldges, Carl Ashby, Janie MacBryde, Reita Nicholson and Julee Manahan for their countless hours of hard work and dedication that they put into getting this site organized, updated and live!

    I would like to recognize Carol Kearney for her many years as our club’s webmaster.  Carol was the prime mover in the creation of the original website.  Carol and Bill put in countless hours adding content and making the website user friendly.  We thank Carol and Bill for their efforts.

    The USKBTC website is more than a website.  It is a membership management system that the Communications Committee will be sharing with everyone in the near future.  The membership management system will allow all members the ability to update their own contact information and will allow for more administrators of the data on the site. 

    We have added a link to the Historical Archives (being created by Bob and Barb Beuter) as well as an Events calendar.   The new website is 90% of the way to completion.  The site will be much easier to maintain and update.  This will result in more frequent updates and new content being added on a regular basis.  While we have worked to eliminate broken links, out of date content, and no longer relevant information there is more work to do.  YOU are our proof readers and we have set up an email address for you to report issues.  Simply send an email to

    We are looking for content.  If you come across an article or have written an article that you would like considered please send that to the same email address. 

    Take a look and navigate around the new website.  I hope you like what you see.  We welcome your comments and suggestions so send them to .


    John J. Garahan

  • 10/13/2018 1:07 PM | Web Team (Administrator)

    The 2018 National Specialty held at the Montgomery Kennel Club All-Terrier Show was co-dedicated to Martha Nazak and Donald Wilde.  Below are the texts of the dedications made just prior to Best of Breed on Sunday, October 7, 2018.

    Martha Nazak was outgoing and dynamic and a loyal wife, mother, grandmother and friend.  She was truly a creative artist in many disciplines, which contributed to her expertise in grooming and setting Kerry ears. She was strong competitor, but family and friends always took priority.  

    She and her husband Bob bred and showed Kerry Blue Terriers for many years under the Whimsy prefix.  They owned 2 National Specialty Best of Breed winners.  Martha actively served on the United Kerry Blue Terrier Board of Governors and Chaired the Haymarket Futurity for several years.  When help was needed she was the “helping” hand.

    Martha grew up in Massachusetts and after marriage, traveled the world compliments of Bob’s Navy career.   Through her many adventures, she raised three great kids and received tremendous joy in being a grandmother.  Martha always had a passion for dogs and loved all aspects of being involved the Kerry Blue community.  She was a friend and mentor to all.

    We will miss Martha and co-dedicate the 2018 United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club National Specialty to her memory.

    Donald Wilde purchased his first Kerry Blue Terrier, Connell’s Wild Irish Rose in 1987.  In 1988 he and Rosey’s breeder headed off to the Montgomery Kennel Club show.  The plan was to have the breeder show Rosey.  Because of a conflict, Don showed her.  He put on his Irish cap and that became his trademark in the ring.

                Don and wife Jean bred and showed Kerry Blue Terriers under the Cordial prefix.  A name which truly described Don to those who knew him.

                Don was active in the United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club serving on the Board of Governors and ultimately as President.  He served as the first Chair of USKBTC Charitable Funds.  Don was the driving force for the formation of the Lower Michigan Kerry Blue Terrier Club.

                We will miss Don and co-dedicate the 2018 United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club National Specialty to his memory.

  • 05/09/2018 10:55 PM | Anonymous

    How do we vote for Board Members?

    Ballots are issued to  eligible voters and must be in the hands of the Corresponding Secretary by the date on the ballot.
    those ballots were postmarked

    Run for the USKBTC Board of Governors

    Are you interested in doing more on behalf of the Kerry Blue?
    Then you should consider running for a position on the USKBTC Board of Governors.

    How can you run for a position on the Board?
    You must be a member in good standing and a resident of the United States. You also have to commit to attending at least two meetings a year, one of which is held during Montgomery County Weekend and the other is usually at the Traveling Specialty. Plus, you must be able to participate in online discussions.
    (Editor’s Note: The current Board members attend many more than two meetings a year in an effort to accomplish all that needs to be done.)

    Who should you contact if you would like to volunteer your services?
    Please contact Eddie Dulaney if you are interested in speaking with the Nominating Committee.

    If not selected by the Nominating Committee, for the current slate of officers, how can you still run for the Board?

    If you wish to run independently, then eligible members must submit a written petition addressed to the Corresponding Secretary and it must be received at the Secretary’s regular address on or before July 15th.

    The written petition must be signed by three members the USKBTC, none of whom may be the spouse or a member of the immediate family of the nominee. The petition must be accompannied by the written acceptance of each such additional nominee signifying his or her willingness to be a candidate.

    After all of that, the membership has the final vote, unless candidates run unopposed.

    Please consider running for the Board. We look forward to hearing from you.

    Editor’s Note:

    Regardless of when this original post was made, the club always needs hard working volunteers to help with the club’s many projects So this is an ongoing request.


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